‘Start Small, Grow Big And Think Outside The Box,’ – Phidra Aturinda, Founder Luscious Pre-Poo Spray

‘Start Small, Grow Big And Think Outside The Box’- Phidra Aturinda, Founder Luscious Pre-Poo Spray

The pandemic has left so many people in uncertain situations with barely any glim of hope. With various sectors feeling the pinch and livelihood mostly altered. Business owners have equally not been spared and Phidra Aturinda’s story is not any different.
She is originally an events planner and decorator whose business was thriving until the pandemic hit. With restricted movement and the number of people attending weddings being greatly reduced, meant little or no business opportunities in the décor industry.

Aturinda chooses to see the opportunities available despite the obstacles amid the crisis. For a while she had chosen to wait it out in the hope that the events industry would pick up but how long would she wait? For all we know, everything about Covid-19 is uncertain so we have to find a way to survive regardless.

With her business left hanging in Limbo, this décor enthusiast has had to push herself to think outside the box. It’s a season of total lockdown where we are all pretty much stuck at home and so she had to come up with a product that provides a solution to a need in someone’s household that they might not know they have. This is how Luscious pre-poo spray was birthed. It is such an unconventional idea that addresses an uncomfortable subject for many, yet meeting a daily inevitable need.

“I was stuck home with my housemate and one random day while in the bathroom, I had a light bulb moment to create a pre-poo spray that would eliminate the stinky smell as one attended to nature’s call.”, she narrates. She also took a while to start as she was unsure about how people would receive this much-needed product. She shares some tips that might come in handy as you navigate having your business blossom through a crisis.

Phidra Aturinda

Your business idea should meet a need

Let your business answer a question someone has or provide a solution to a challenge they are facing, whether or not they know it. For one’s product to stand out, it should be solving the client’s need. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself struggling to navigate the already competitive scene. Give your idea/product a unique touch and selling point that will make it irresistible to the consumer.

Just start

You will never be fully ready and you won’t always have all you need in one go but you can start right where you are. With the crisis we are in, no one is certain when life will go back to normal and you can’t sit there waiting for the normalcy to return. For how long? You might find yourself waiting forever yet the world needs your business solution. So don’t be afraid! I came across a Steve Harvey clip as I scrolled through Facebook and he mentions that, “sometimes God will give you an idea that won’t make sense to many but it’s because He showed it to you not them.” So just take it one day at a time as you figure it out on the journey but, start. Do the basics with whatever have at your disposal and you will grow big from that little. “I thought I would grandly launch this product but given the situation, I have had to take baby steps but I’m confident Luscious will be a household name within a year given the amazing reception so far.” She recounts. Who knew pre-poo spray would be such a big deal demand, haha, she chuckles.

Phidra Aturinda

Think solution wise

Take time to do your research and obtain as much knowledge about the market you are getting into before you step out. Always keep in mind the need to focus on the aspect of your product that provides a solution to someone’s need. For example, people attend to nature’s call on a daily and doing the poo can be so messy and inconvenient, but it doesn’t have to be when you have a product that can help eliminate the stench. When you think problem-solving, then your product will always be on request because it offers a solution to a need that may seem ordinary but is very necessary. Also, don’t despise your idea, you just never know how far you can go with it.

Reach out to people in your circle

In the beginning, because I was sceptical about how people would receive the product, I chose to offer some samples to random people in my contacts. This helped create an unbiased environment to receive relevant feedback. And surprisingly, people have embraced the pre-poo spray so well. It is a solution to a need they didn’t know they even had. So, sometimes the idea might seem strange to you but you will never know its outcome unless you give it a shot and reach out.

Look out for feedback

Take in all the criticism you can get both good and bad. This will help you better understand your clientele and how to develop your product or maintain it. However, also be open-minded to the fact that not everyone will embrace your idea. But focus on the good and improve the bad if it is within your control. “Some people have reached out to me saying that talking about the poo subject is embarrassing for them. But I have to keep pushing till we normalize having those uncomfortable conversations that can be solved.” She explains. 

Phidra Aturinda

So why Luscious pre-poop spray you might be wondering? Well, because there’s a need for it now more than ever. Look at it as a poop deodorant. You simply give it a shake, spray it to your toilet bowl, sit, do your business and there’s no need to worry about embarrassing odours. Luscious pre-poo spray will completely mask that stinky smell for you.

So, what business idea are you holding back on because you are waiting for the situation to stabilize? I say, just go for it because there will never be a perfect time. Make good use of the resources you have available and keep an open mind. This will help you harness the opportunities as opposed to being hindered by obstacles. Again, just start where you are, with what you have and make the most of it.