‘Our Businesses Were Tied Up In Lockdown But Our Minds And Hands Were Not’-Nina Mirembe, Founder ‘NinaMire’

‘Our Businesses Were Tied Up In Lockdown But Our Minds And Hands Were Not’-Nina Mirember, Founder ‘NinaMire’

Nina Mirembe, is a Ugandan fashion designer and entrepreneur. She is the founder and Creative Director of ‘NinaMire.’ Launched in 2016, the fashion brand produces women swimwear and unisex festival costumes.
‘Nina Mire’ has showcased at major fashion events like the ‘Kampala Fashion Week’ and has had its designs featured on prestigious magazines like Vogue Italia. 

  1. What would people be surprised to know about ‘Nina Mire’?
    My company is run by a solo entrepreneur and that 98% of the work is done by me. 
  2. What do you think it is that makes you successful?
    Hahaha..ok. I am still working on my success but I enjoy my career. There is no day that I regret being a swimwear designer. I take ownership of my business failures and work better. This zeal is what makes my work shine on. 
  3. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
    I have a couple of satisfying moments but the one that stands out for me was during the “Kampala Fashion Week 2018” which was my second big runway showcase. Watching my costumes walk down the runway with the crowd dropping their jaws, brought me tears. The icing on the cake was that, that very collection got published on Vogue Italia magazine.  What a year that was!

  4. What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months and how has it impacted your business?
    Creative burnout, yes that! Since I do 98% of the work myself, the pressure of keeping up and being a perfectionist gets to me. So I took advantage of the pandemic to reset my priorities and the business. Even though I was not used to resting that much, it worked. I think every creative needs this.

  5. How has the pandemic affected your business? What opportunities has it presented you as an entrepreneur?
    2020 was such a trying year for most of the creators and of course business has been slow. I mean, who would want to spend money on swimwear when there’s food demand? But as much as our businesses were tied up in lockdown our minds and hands were not. Last year, I got invited to showcase my futuristic sustainable ideas at “Fibre to Fabric’ exhibition at Motiv Uganda which opened new doors for my business. I cannot wait to show you what is in store!

  6. What special steps have you taken or are you taking at the moment to survive and thrive in the pandemic? 
    To be honest, it is still a gamble since we don’t know when this will be over or contained, yet we need to keep ourselves and the businesses alive. So personally when I am overwhelmed with work, I invest time in my family that later gives me motivation to come back more relaxed to my creative world.

  7. What is the one marketing strategy that you’re using that works well to generate sales during this pandemic?
    Digital marketing has been my savior during this pandemic.

    Nina Mirembe
  8. What entrepreneurial hacks have you developed to stay focused and productive especially during this pandemic?
    -Learning how to say no
    -Brain dump
    -Daily exercises

  9. What has been the most encouraging thing you have seen during this pandemic as an entrepreneur?
    Employees and entrepreneurs thriving through this period have been such a highlight. I have witnessed entrepreneurs embarking on new businesses or call it Plan B to help them go through this tough time and it has worked out right.

  10. So far, what have you learned about yourself from this experience as an entrepreneur?
    This experience has brought me my greatest fears as a business woman with just one business, which is, being caught off guard and frozen, but I learnt that you can also make lemonade out of such a reality and I am proud to say I did just that.
Zuba Network

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