Make Reading Fun Using Mago Hasfa’s Reading Hacks

Make Reading Fun Using Mago Hasfa’s Reading Hacks

Mago Hasfa is the founder of Smart Toto Publishing, a social enterprise based in Kampala that creates and publishes African story books and nurtures reading culture among children through its different initiatives like establishing community libraries.

Mago shared with us her best reading hacks;

  1. Finding a book you love is a biggie
    “Find a book that you actually like. There is this notion that you must have a book but some people read through the phone and that is very fine, if you are one just get an app, while some enjoy listening so those can get audio books.”
  2. Set a target
    “Pick one book and say, ‘for the next 3 months, I am going to read this book’ because not everyone will read a book in one month.”
  3. Make reading fun
    “I have introduced reading to my friends through what I call ‘Books and Wine’. Here, we meet and have our wine but before we drink the wine, we read at least 3 pages. After accomplishing that, we take the wine and in our tipsiness, we start discussing the books. Even for adults, reading has to be fun. Remember, a big kid resides inside all of us.”

  4. No reading culture? Involve friends
    “It is good to read with friends if you don’t have a reading culture. Just go to a nice place, take photos and as part of your outing, read at least one page together. Next thing you know, again the other weekend when the person is bored they’ll say you know what, why don’t we read part two.”

  5. Hit your reading target? Celebrate!
    “Reading even one page a day if you push yourself to achieve, warrants a celebration. Some of my friends will call and say ‘oh Mago I read 5 pages this month!’ I am like, ‘let’s go celebrate’.”
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