Their Love For Kabale And beautiful Scents Inspired These Sisters To Start , ‘Karobwa Scents’

These 3 sisters’ love for Kabale and beautiful scents inspired them to start scents powerhouse, ‘Karobwa Scents’

Kengabi Julia, an engineer, Kansiime Eve Anisha, a community development worker and Mumurere Joan, a Graphic Designer by profession define the phrase ‘perfect sisters’. The three sisters have always been very close. it was therefore a no-brainer for them to get into business together. While brainstorming on what business to venture in, they decided to create something they spent a lot of money on , united them and something they all loved. This common denominator ended up being a scented candle ,and their love for Kabale District, where they hail from.
“We all love a beautiful scented place.”

They then decided to contribute shs200,000 each from their salary earnings , to purchase raw materials. With that,they made 40 candles that they sold to friends and family. The positive reviews they received spurred them on to the next production batch , which was entirely financed by the revenue they had collected from the previous sales.

Launched in June 2018, ‘Karobwa Scents’, manufactures and distributes scented candles and reed diff-users.
‘We hand make every piece of the candle and diff-user.We named the scents through our inspiration from a fond memory of our time in Kabale. We also believe that these memories are experiences that people share universally, so they can easily relate when they light a candle ’.
The company currently employs 2 people in addition to the 3 sisters.

Karobwa Scents

The three sisters made their first year anniversary in business last month ,and among the achievements they take pride in, is the ability to create a product that people appreciate and keep coming back for.
‘It’s always refreshing to hear someone say I love your candles, its validating and keeps you charged and motivated to do better.” Additionally, they have grown as individuals. “We have got a much bigger mindset in how we see the business, its potential and it has allowed us to dream big and even rise to the challenge.”

Consistency in terms of the quality of materials and measurements used for their products, as well as great customer service and branding are some of the things the three sisters hold sacred in their day today running of the business. “We make sure that we use the best materials available to bring affordable and memorable fragrance to give consumers and retailers great value.”

However, due to their entirely different professional practices, a lack of business background and balancing their 8-5  jobs with a young business remain their most notable challenges. They are however trying to deal with these issues, by learning and reading about the kind of business they are in, and managing their time effectively.
“We plan our days ahead of time. You give yourself like 8-5 to be at your formal employment job, and then from probably 6-midnight, we are doing our business. That’s when we have time to manufacture, to brand and do other things”.

Karobwa Scents

Starting out the business as something they were just trying their luck on meant that they lacked proper structures in place to ensure its professionally well managed and did not pay attention to book keeping which meant they would make sales but have no receipts to account for them which had a negative impact on their business. But they have since learnt from it and done the necessary.
‘If you are starting out any business, please first define your structures, it will help you a lot.’

During days when business is not at its best and that little nagging voice of doubt chimes in, the three sisters rely  on each other for encouragement . They also have a supportive family and friends, but above all their unwavering faith in God keeps them going.“Having a relationship with God fuels us because it’s not really by might or by our power but by His spirit.”
Having mentors who they regularly hold meetings with to review the business, investing in a lot of work even during days they don’t feel like, joining entrepreneurship groups with like-minded people, and attending business workshops regularly, are some of the things that have seen  ‘Karobwa Scents’ grow. Above all the three sisters’ unquenchable desire to learn more from their peers has given them a much needed edge in business. “we read books, listen to podcasts from some of the most successful business minds and watch business shows. We have watched ‘Shark Tank’ from season 1 to the current season. We just want to see how people in and outside Uganda are doing it.”

Karobwa Scents

Their advice to aspiring entrepreneurs;

  1. Dream big
    “One of our mentors gave us a great piece of advice; ‘don’t look at it as a ka small business.’ So I would say make the choice to dream big in whatever you are doing.”
  2. Now is the time to start
    “If you have a desire or passion to do something, start on it now, like right now. Don’t say I’m going to start tomorrow”.
  3. Capital shouldn’t be an excuse
    “Don’t let capital hinder you, start small, if you listen to successful business people, a few of them really started big, with shs100m on their accounts.”
  4. Passion is very vital when choosing a business
    “Don’t think ‘just because these people are doing candles, or doing that and they are successful, this business is also going to work for me’. Make sure you are doing something that you really love, otherwise you are going to burn out if you are doing something for money.
  5. Be intentional with the people around you
    “Surround yourself with people who have got the right attitude and been successful so they can show you the ins and outs of the business. Identifying one of them as a mentor could really work. At the end of the day the people around you are the ones who could either make you fail or successful.”
  6. Willingness to learn
    “Seek knowledge, read books, and be humble because right now our world is changing. Each and every second, there’s something new that is coming up, so you have to be open-minded, keep leaning and focused.”
Zuba Network

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