Akello Patricia Joins Menstrual Hygiene Campaign In Northern Uganda

Akello Particia Joins Menstrual Hygiene Campaign In Northern Uganda

Akello Patricia, an international supermodel, has joined a campaign to educate girls about menstrual hygiene in Northern Uganda.

The New York based Ugandan supermodel partnered with ‘Dignity 4 A Girl’, an NGO that seeks to get in-depth solution to problems causing the high rate of girl child school dropouts and low self-esteem, last week to visit Pader District.

The campaign saw them donate reusable sanitary pads and teach girls at Lagile Primary School how best they can observe personal hygiene during their menstruation periods, as a way of fighting school dropout and absenteeism among them.

Akello Patricia who recently graced prestigious magazine, Grazia Croatia, landed in Uganda last month to attend the Joram Model Management and Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards model scouting as one of the scouts.

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