Nisha Kalema Shares ‘7 Things’ She Is Loving Right Now

‘7 Things I’m Loving Right Now’: Nisha Kalema
  1.  I love soccer, everyone around me knows that it’s my biggest hobby. I like the fact that Manchester United just made a draw with Wolverhamton. I feel like my premier league has started, the teams I don’t like are starting to lose. Sorry if you are a Manchester United fan.
  2. I am currently crazy about this movie called ‘Ready Or Not’. Sometimes we are excited about weddings but we just don’t know what the wedding comes with, so yeah, it’s an interesting film that I think every woman would love to watch and weigh their options when they are getting married.
  3. I am a huge fan of TV shows with lots and lots of TV series on my head. However, the series that I like right now is called ‘This Is Us’. You can’t watch 3 episodes without falling in love with it. Its subtle, authentic and everyday life. It is just amazing.
  4. I was so pleased when I heard the news about the arrest of the men who robbed and killed the boda boda guy. I was like ‘Thank God the police have done something even the general public can be proud of!’ However, I don’t know the truth to what I’ve read recently, that one of the men, Mugisha, the friend to Young Mulo was released. I pray he wasn’t but if he was then I would be disappointed because I expect serious actions to be taken against these guys. The video clip was so disturbing, I don’t know, it was something so traumatizing.
    Nisha Kalema, multi-award winning filmmaker
  5. I like this new version of ‘Makanika’ with Irene Namubiru, I cant get enough of it.
    I’m very picky when it comes to the music I like. I can’t say I hate certain genres I just like good music. Any song that is good, I will love, any song that is bad however much it falls in a genre I feel comfortable with, I will still not go for it.
  6. I am into Hijab fashion. I don’t even know what to specify exactly about what I like about hijab except one thing, the pride that comes with it and I love the way that every day, there is a change in how the veils are wrapped and styles in veils. It’s kind of interesting that it’s no longer just plain as it used to be. Every day, new fashion and interesting ideas come along with the hijabs and the veils.
  7. As for food, Posho and Garden eggs (entula) remain favorites in every season!
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