21 Questions With Smart Toto Publishing Founder Hasfa Mago

21 Questions With Smart Toto Publishing Founder Hasfa Mago

Hasfa Mago is a Ugandan social entrepreneur. She is the founder of Smart Toto Publishing, a social enterprise that focuses on early literacy among children.

  1. Where are you right now, and what’s the setting like?
    I am at the GLIM offices and it’s a homely setting. There’s a pool table, something that I have never seen in any office.
  2. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
    I started reading a new book ‘My Life’s Journey’ by Janet Museveni. What is so interesting about it for me is the fact that there’s a foreword from her husband, President Museveni, it’s the cutest thing ever. It talks about their story, how they met in P3, met again in P6 and then at the airport. Reading that from the president talking about the love of his life and how it was Gods purpose that they should be, I felt it so cheesy but so sweet. Also the fact that she is such a religious woman is amazing, she mentions how GOD has led the way in everything she does. I didn’t know the first lady like that, so getting to read about this other side of her and his foreword, I was like ‘hmmm there’s love in the air’.
  3. Who is your fashion inspiration?
    My mum. I am always told that I am her photocopy and she looks more like a big sister to me. She is so stylish and boogie even at her age! She lives by this rule that ‘never leave the house if you have not dressed for the runaway’.

    Hafsa Mago
  4. What are the wardrobe staples you think every woman should own?
    A good blazer saves a lot, a pair of high waist pants because you never know when you will need them (she’s wearing one), a nice bag and the right wigs. I don’t have one on today but at least every woman should have two.
  5. What’s your favorite Ugandan holiday destination and why?
    Whether its Uganda, Africa or Europe, I like to travel to places where I can be of impact, so places where I am most likely to meet mothers and children are ideal because my travel is purpose based as much as I want to have fun. One of my favorites in Uganda is Kalangala because you get to do so many activities but you also have a lot of mothers and children on the same island.
  6. Will you be voting in the next 2021 elections? Why do you think it’s important for women to take part in elected leadership?
    I should be voting, so yes. I think it’s important for women to take part in elected leadership because we decide the future and we are the majority.
  7. What is on your nightstand?
    I always have a book, highlighters, and then some candles, I like candles a lot.
  8. What African music is currently on your playlist?
    I am mostly into Nigerian music right now but I love listening to gospel songs.

    Hafsa Mago
  9. What are you reading or watching right now?
    I am reading First Lady Janet Museveni’s book called ‘My Life’s Journey’. I am not so much of a movie person, I do watch mostly TED talks and YouTube educational materials. I am currently watching something on TED about emotional healing because with the COVID 19 pandemic, I feel like there is a need for us to learn about emotional self-defense and healing especially as women, it is important we learn how to defend ourselves emotionally.
  10. What is on your bucket list?
    Sky diving. That is something that I want to do so badly. I also want to travel the world. I honestly want to retire in the next 5 years, not necessarily stop working but move country by country, stay for 6 months, develop a reading culture there and then move to another. If having kids is also on the table, I want to have twins.
  11. If you could swap places with one person in Uganda (living or dead) for a day, who would it be and why?
    It would be my friend Becky. She is a designer who also inspires my style, a model, very entrepreneurial, well-spoken and independent. I really admire her life and how she does her thing, because we are completely opposites. So I would want to live her life and understand how she goes by and makes decisions.
  12. What is your beauty routine for a healthy nourished skin?
    Tomatoes, I know most people eat tomatoes. I had bad skin for so many years, I used all the crèmes and the expensive staff but they didn’t work so I resorted to tomatoes and turmeric. Every evening before sleeping, I wash my face with normal soap, rub the tomatoes on till it dries and then wash off and sleep. Furthermore, I put turmeric with honey as a mask and scrub after every 3 days.

    Hafsa Mago
  13. What apps can you not live without?
    I must confess, I am very addicted to Instagram, my prayer app, Instashot because I am always editing videos for my kids and then LinkedIn.
  14. What social media accounts are you currently following religiously?
    I follow Sarah Jakes Roberts, a lot of accounts to do with early literacy, the First Lady, and a lot of politicians because I want to know what is happening in the political world. Also, I literally stalk and follow all the professors of Havard University.
  15. What trends are you loving right now?
    For me, it’s always books and children even when I am following trends. I am currently looking at new developments in education now that technology is shifting from reading books to apps. However, I am also a fashion lover, so I follow a lot of fashion trends. Currently, I like the big hats and throw-ons.
  16. What is your most treasured buy?
    My iPad.
  17. What beauty products are in your make-up kit?
    All Mac products because I have suffered with bad skin. I always have foundation, powder, a red lipstick and an eyeliner.

  18. What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
    Never to give up.
  19. What are the 3 things that have improved the quality of your life?
    Balancing my life between pleasure and purpose. Allowing GOD to take course in my life with everything I do. Even when I write my books, I pray about them and ask GOD to lead me and give me inspiration on what I can write about. This has given me peace incase anything doesn’t go my way; I don’t fight it because I know there is a reason why GOD planned it like that. Lastly, having the right group of friends.
  20. What would people be surprised to know about you?
    That I love dancing but I cannot dance. I am an African woman without rhythm but on my third glass of wine I start twerking. All my books and early literacy talks goes out of the window and my friends are like Mago is that you?! I really love twerking, it’s the only dance that I can do.
  21. What is the most Ugandan thing about you?
    Well, it is something I am trying to improve; my time keeping. My excuse is always that I am Ugandan! If we make an appointment for 4:00pm, in my head I am like ‘ok, I will start dressing up at 3:30pm’. This business of ‘there is some ka money that I am expecting’, I am also clearing this out of my way. Whenever I get money nowadays, I make sure I clear things that I need to pay for instead of saying ‘there’s some ka money I am waiting for then I will sort you’.
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